Our Services
MCS offers a wide array of services to our clients. Also, we maintain a large network of other specialty engineering firms and can assist with finding the right fit for our clients' needs.
Engineering & Planning Services
Due Diligence – We can assist with researching the feasibility of a particular project.
Client Coordination – Once the Project is ready to move forward, we can assist with or facilititate the necessary agency meetings and coordination in order to collect the required information.
Demand Analyses & Projections – There are several methodologies to demand analyses and projecting, depending on the Project and requirements of the servicing agency. Coordination with agency staff to determine the most accurate demand forecasts is key to determining if adequate resources are available to serve the Project.
Water Supply and Verification Assesments – We can prepare these reports in order to document the necessary water supply(ies) for a Project, and that the purveyor has adequate deliveries. These reports can also document what, if any, offsets need to occur.
System Layout – We will lay out the preferred layout for the system, identifying key facilities and location, size, diameter, etc.
Alternatives Development & Analyses – Many clients and agencies want to see different alternatives. We will develope as many as needed to show that the preferred layout is superior.
Report Preparation – We will prepare a clear and concise document outlining the Project, decisions made, and analyses summary.
Master Planning – For those clients who desire a system-wide planning document. Any and all services can be included, such as demand analysis from meter data and forecasting for future growth, documenting system facilities and condition, criteria identication and development, hydraulic modeling (new model or update exisitng), data analysis, field work, model calibration, system analyses, and project idenification/verifcation, all to be included in a comprehensive document. Additional services not listed can also be provided.
Hydraulic Modeling Services
Model Development - Depending on the needs of the client and ultimate goal(s) for the project, either develop a brand new model from scratch using GIS, AutoCAD, or other background files, or perform updates to existing models. The best approach will be discussed with the Client’s staff prior to making that decision.
Data Management – The management of the backbone information, such as GIS databases, is key to future updates and external links to asset management systems. If the data used to build the model is not accurate, the model will not yield accurate results. The more data available, the more versatile the model can be.
Updates & Maintenance – I truly believe that it’s a waste to expend so much effort to build a hydraulic model and then let it sit for years without performing periodic maintenance. If your physical system is growing, so should your model. Remember – it’s only as accurate as the data it contains. We can perform these updates, such as pipeline additions, pump replacements, and/or operational changes, as frequently as necessary. We also prepare detailed synchronization plans for clients that lay out what information was used to build the model and how best to update the model in the future.
Field Testing and Calibration – I have to admit, this is my favorite aspect of what I do. It requires bridging the wants, needs, and goals of both Water Operations and Engineering staff, really getting into how the system operates, and finding out where those “problem” areas are within a Client’s system. With this information in hand, we can lay out a detailed field testing plan. These plans take into account disinfection and disposal of the runoff water, and a plan for set-up, clean-up, and tear-down. I collect as much automated information as I can (SCADA) and review recent trends within the system. All this data is translated into conditions that can be simulated in the hydraulic model to identify deficiencies such as closed/partially closed valves, incorrect input data, and inadequate looping, to name a few. We can also determine if there is a more efficient operational scheme that would better serve the needs of the Client.
Analyses & Optimization – As development continues within a system, there is a need for fire flow and operational analyses. We perform this service for many clients with great success, and usually with a faster turnaround for the customer. In addition, seasonal variations and system maintenance may require changes to how the system is operated. Having a well-calibrated hydraulic model can give clients more peace of mind that the system will perform as anticipated.
Project Development & Verification – One of the most important aspects of utilizing a well-calibrated hydraulic model is the development of new projects, or the verification of previously identified projects. Identifying real projects and their descriptions (size, length, etc.) can save the Client a lot of money.
Training – Some clients have a desire to perform a certain amount of modeling in-house. For these clients, I provide onsite training of their specific model – how it was developed, what information it does and does not contain, and how to best use the model to suit their needs. Note that I do not provide detailed software training, which can be obtained directly from the software distributer. I am, however, always available should staff have questions about performing a particular task.